Up to 50% Discount

Cloud Services, Server Rental

Monthly Fee from HK$592.48

Speed Guarantee

WordPress Hosting

Monthly Fee from HK$188

Excellent Customer Service

Our 7×24 support team always standby for you.

Advanhost is your Web Hosting and Server expert

18 years of experience in Server Management. Trusted by tens of thousands of companies around the world

Enquiry Hotline 852-27170306



Hear what our partners said

Advandhost offers great service and very good value for money. I am very satisfied with their customer support
because they always offer very fast, reliable, and accurate response and support for my technical needs.
Also, I find that their server systems are very reliable and stable, so I do not need to worry about losing my customers’ correspondances.
I am glad that I have chosen Advandhost’s service and I look forward to continuing our company’s contract with them.

Kiera Limited – Miriam Yeung

For our product or D-biz inquiry

Please call the hotline at 852-27170306,

Skype, WhatsApp (updated to 852-35298603)

WeChat : Advanhost

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