Wildcard SSL/TLS Certificates

SSL Certificates Promotion Price* (Yearly) Save up to (Yearly) Warranty (USD) Support SAN Issuance Validation Type Site Seal
GeoTrust True BusinessID Multi-Domain Wildcard(2 WildCard SANs) HK$4,844 HK$448
US$1,250,000 1-3 Days Basic¹ Dynamic Order Now
GeoTrust True BusinessID Wildcard HK$2,544 HK$2,128
US$1,250,000 1-3 Days Basic¹ Dynamic Order Now
GeoTrust® QuickSSL® Premium Wildcard HK$1,944 HK$5,107
US$500,000 Within several minutes Domain Dynamic Order Now
RapidSSL Wildcard Certificate HK$1,378
US$10,000 Within several minutes Domain Static Order Now
Comodo PositiveSSL Wildcard HK$1,244
US$10,000 Within several minutes Domain Static Order Now
Comodo Positive Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL HK$1,896 HK$1,715
US$10,000 1-3 Days Domain Dynamic Order Now
Comodo EssentialSSL Wildcard HK$1,113 HK$829
US$10,000 Immediately Domain Static Order Now
Comodo PremiumSSL Wildcard HK$1,862 HK$1,646
US$250,000 1-3 Days Basic¹ Static Order Now
Comodo Wildcard SSL HK$1,829 HK$1,680
US$250,000 Within several minutes Domain Static Order Now
Comodo Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL (1host+2SANs) HK$2,033 HK$3,653
US$250,000 1-3 Days Basic¹ Dynamic Order Now
Comodo Unified Communications Wildcard (1host+2 WildcardSans) HK$1,966 HK$1,145
US$250,000 1-3 Days Basic¹ Dynamic Order Now
Installation(Optional) HK$500 each N/A HK$380 each N/A N/A N/A Order Now

Dynamic Trust signature
Basic ¹ = Domain + Basic business verification
Advance ² = Domain + Advance business verification
*Average yearly price for 3-year plan, unless otherwise stated

SSL Certificate Management Platform

We provide a simple management platform and you can manage your SSL certificate easily.


We hope to help you to make a wise decision. You may see these frequent asked questions for SSL product and related service which will help a lot.

Of course, please feel free to contact our experts if you need more information.

Is installation service provided?

We provide SSl certificate installation service to our customer which cost HK$500 or above.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a standard security technology for establishing an encrypted link between a server and a client—typically a web server (website) and a browser, or a mail server and a mail client (e.g., Outlook). SSL allows sensitive information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and login credentials to be transmitted securely. Normally, data sent between browsers and web servers is sent in plain text—leaving you vulnerable to eavesdropping. If an attacker is able to intercept all data being sent between a browser and a web server, they can see and use that information.

What is DV SSL certificate?

DV (Domain Validated) certificate which is a fast, simple URL verification method SSL certificate. It just requires certificate distribute organization to verify URL receiver’s ownership. The processing time is few minutes in common. Thus, those SSL certificate recognition is not provided. Therefore, we suggest this certificate is used for the website which is not important such as client details not required, password or credit card details.

What is OV SSL certificate?

OV (Organization Validated) SSL certificate require the organization to finish a simple review before sign the certificate. Those certificates are the SSL certificate product but cheaper than EV. It indicate more SSL and trust. The cert needs 1 to 3 days to sign.

What is EV SSL certificate?

EV represent extended validation whis is the top level SSL certificate type. Those certificates are used to label green color in URL bar. It is most common for recognition. EV certificate is very popular in the industry, especial in E-commerce website. It used by the most common website such as HSBC, Twitter, PayPal, etc. The certificate must have a full review before signing.

Does certificate cover both www and non-www?

Most common SSL brand, such as GeoTrust, RapidSSL, Symantec, Thawte and Comodo certificates cover www or non-www. Once used the official name generated certificate, it automatically cover non-www.

What is Wildcard certificate?

Wildcard SSL certificate cover one domain name (www.domain.com) and unlimited subdomain (mail.domain.com, login.domain.com, test.domain.com, etc.).

What is multiple domain SSL certificate or SAN?

SSL certificate can used for multiple domain. For example, Symantec and Thawte can cover maximum 25 domains. Hence, Comodo certificate can cover maximum 250 domain by one certificate. GeoTrust multiple certificate can cover 25-250 domains. SAN(Secure Alternate Name) cover extra domain apart from your paid certificate. It depends the certificate type.

What is Multiple domains Wildcard SSL certificate?

Multiple domains Wildcard SSL certificate can protect multiple domains and their subdomains. This certificate can arrange few Wildcard domain combination into one certificate.

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