
How to generate a csr for SSLeay

How do I generate a csr for SSLeay


NOTE: A key length of 1024 bit is the default, but Thawte recommends the use of a 2048 bit key.
If the request is intended for an Extended Validation certificate or a certificate with a validity period beyond December 31, 2013, the 2048 bit key length will need to be selected.

For SSLeay Key and CSR Generation, perform the following steps:

More and more secure web servers and value-added cryptographic applications are using the SSLeay free cryptographic toolkit, which includes a variety of libraries and utilities to manage secure sockets and public key cryptography.
SSLeay can be found at

These servers by and large use the same key and certificate format, and generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR's) that are compatible with the Thawte Certification System.
Examples are Sioux, Stronghold, ApacheSSL, Alibaba (which is linked against a very old version of SSLeay) and secure versions of WN.

In all of these servers you can use the following procedure to generate your CSR:

Locate ssleay
These instructions assume that SSLeay is installed, and that you have the executable ssleay in your PATH.
They also assume that you are using version 0.8.1 or later... ssleay version will tell you which version you are using.

Generate your key:<
ssleay genrsa -des3 1024 >
This command sequence will generate a private key and store it in the file It will ask you for a pass phrase: use something secure and remember it.
Your certificate will be useless without the key.
If you don't want to protect your key with a pass phrase (only if you absolutely trust that server, and you make sure the permissions are carefully set so only you can read that key) you can leave out the -des3 option.

Generate your CSR:
ssleay req -new -key
This command sequence will prompt you for the attributes of your certificate.

You will now have a private key in and a CSR in

Paste the CSR into our forms, and hold on to your key. You will need the key to operate your secure server when we issue your certificate. 


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